Rule of Life.

1. You WILL have to feel pain and sadness. So get up, don't worry its normal :)
2. You WILL 'fall' for someone u shouldn't...Slap your face and step back into reality...Oh & turn off those lovey dovey songs!
3. You WILL hve to experience failure & humiliation...Its for u to learn & bcme better after! Yes! No matter 'how' many times.
4. You WILL at 1 point 'not know' something... Don't worry if you don't know, you can always LEARN to then 'know'....
5. If you don't exercise you'll just grow fat!
6. If u don't read good literature ur mind will just go rusty! You are what you read! Read trash & gossip..err you sambung..
7. If you don't do your solah/prayers you don't have a right to live... 
8. What an arrogant being you are..when you 'stay' with bad company you'll be just as rotten...
9. You are what your 'do', not what you 'say' you do...
10. We are all going to die one day, we all want to be happy so be kind and live a life that matters. 


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