I always hold anger succumbs in my heart

Text terakhir pada 9.40am. Aku rase die kerja hari ni kot? Berdasarkan text t'akhir die. Dan smpi skrang aku still menanti. Waktu sekarang 1.27am masa aku habiskan ayat nih. :P. Jap lagi tido lah. Fine. MALAS tunggu buah xjatuh. PENAT!. Esok aku nak RAAAGGEEEEE!! sepuas hati aku. Lantak lah nak kata ape? Ade aku kesah?. Hell no!.

O. Main kasar ye? nak main kasar? Boleh. Ape de hal. Aku mmg dah lame tunggu saat ni. LOLS. Leave me alone for the next 24hrs ok?. Aku nak reconsider blek my decision towards you. It's been for a while dear since my PROMISE to throw my ANGER on you. Biar aku nak b'khalwat seorang diri pada Ahad yang indah ni ok? I bet u won't seek me today. Potong jari!.

p/s: Pissed off. Don't bother me. I wait for u the whole DAMN day! FFS!.


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