Plagiat #004: Dating? What's That?

So boys and girls, I'm not a shrink or anything, but my folks call me a sexpert. Let's save you the trouble and most importantly save your time. You may hate me but it ain't no lie:

1) If he doesn't call you often or doesn't ask you out anymore, chances are - he's not on the same page as you are

2) Platonic friendship is non existent. This whole thing about being "just friends" is bollocks. Unless it involves two completely ugly people or one of them is ugly. Two attractive or hot looking people will always have sex with each other. Nuff said

3) Don't date someone who you can't even be yourself with. If you still feel uncomfortable after the third date, move on.

4) The moment you're thinking about asking him "Do i look fat? ", stop right there. The fact is, you ARE fat. So save yourself the embarrassment, shut the hell up and shed those extra pounds. There are other things women can do except from cooking and eating what you cook

5) Attraction is not a choice. If you're clever, you won't be asking yourself why hasn't he called ..

6) If you think she's too hot for you, she is too hot for you

7) Don't give a bad kisser a benefit of the doubt. Truth is, if the kiss is bad, the sex will be too. Next thing you know, his saliva is all over your cute lil' face and he ejaculates when you're just about to get it on. A kiss is very intimate, when it feels right, the floodgates will open for everything else

8) Just because he takes you out to the cinema, doesn't mean you're dating

9) Trust me, this "Men Are From Mars and Women Are From Venus" crap is a complete waste of time. Relationship is no rocket science, fullstop.

10) Love does not rush



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